My Second Bedroom

24 09 2012

As you may have guessed, my new place costs significantly more that I was planning on paying for a roommate arrangement – even downtown. I’m planning to write about that decision, but this post is about a cool arrangement that I have regarding my second bedroom.

A while ago my landlord saw on Craigslist that a person who was looking to rent a room in South Austin on weekends only. She contacted him and they arranged that he would pay what amounts to one quarter of my total rent in exchange for weekend access to the furnished second bedroom.

Looking in toward the second bedroom (the bed and desk are staying)

Looking in toward the second bedroom (the bed and desk are staying)

The gentleman is a 30-something lawyer who has been using the room once or twice each month for a day or two at a time. When he is not there I have full access to the bedroom, including for hosting guests. The possibility of weekend guests exists as well, because he is fine with being contacted in advance to ask if he is coming on a particular weekend.

The room has a good amount of space (most of that stuff is heading out)

The room has a good amount of space (most of that stuff is heading out)

My landlord – who has been living in the house for over a year – says that the arrangement has been working wonderfully, and I will be continuing it for the duration of my lease, with the option for either of us to cancel with 30 days notice.

My rent is still significantly more than I was looking to pay for a roomshare or sublet, but this is a pretty sweet deal – particularly considering that there is separate a fold-out couch for other guests.


posted by yair



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